ABOUT GoHexana
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Positions us as a trusted global source for unique identifiers
We believe in identifier governance to create lasting social, environment and economic value.
Commitment to the uniqueness of our Identifiers and codes
We focus on our identity, the identity of our customers, and the identity of everything linked to us
Our Story
With the development of services and the distinction of communication technologies, natural and legal persons have become more productive and creative, and in 2020 the GoHexana system was built, which creates unique and secure identities for persons and all the work they produce in order to facilitate their circulation using a two-dimensional bar code capable of carrying these identities with huge capabilities. We are at the beginning of the road towards transformation in the field of unifying identities and contributing to their strengthening, protection and raising the efficiency of their daily operations in a beautiful world full of trust and innovation.
Our startegy
Our Vision
Our Message
Giving a unique identity to everything in existence.
Our Goals
Build and operate a GoHexana infrastructure capable of managing an efficient and reliable technology coding system.
Create over 1 trillion unique identifiers by 2030.
Reaching the global top in the field of identity management and bar codes with the development of its solutions.
Maintaining the privacy of people and things.
Contribute to the protection of intellectual property and stimulate innovation of all kinds.
Making things around us capable of understanding with the Internet of Things and benefiting in building a knowledge economy.
where sustainable unique identity
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